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Brand Essence

CineGroup understands how important it is to express the art form of telling stories by providing a fulfilling experience through sound, movement and emotion. 
It is fully committed to deliver the best quality content that are both intense and emotionally captivating. Reality or fiction, it’s an experience worth living. 
(for educational purposes)

TV & Radio Spots

The 20-second TV spot was part of a transmedia campaign, which focus was to express the art form of telling a story that could provide a fulfilling experience through sound, movement and emotion.
The 20-second radio spot was also part of the transmedia campaign with the goal of creating a stronger presence in the market.

Dynamic Moodboard

A 36-second dynamic presentation was created to communicate all the elements and information from the static moodboard.

Interactive Kiosk

The Guerrilla Marketing Tactic was developed to create a more creative way of engaging the public.
Click the image to view the project.

App Concept

The Unique Promotional Item is part of a multi-media campaign to promote a product or service, which ultimately engages an audience.
Click the image to view the project.
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